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Rosto da Amazónia deu prémio a fotógrafo português

Na aldeia indígena de Kararaó, na Amazónia brasileira, Mário Rainha Campos documentou o quotidiano das tribos numa zona com grande tensão ambiental social devido à construção da barragem de Belo Monte. Na primeira fotografia da sequência, uma menina, Nhokotorô, é pintada pela mãe com tinta vegetal, em preparação para a festa de celebração da natureza. Foi com essa imagem que o fotógrafo português venceu um concurso internacional de fotografia, promovido pelo Art Museum of the Americas (AMA) em parceria com o Departamento de Direito Internacional da Organização dos Estados Americanos (OAS). O prémio foi entregue ao português dia 9 de Outubro. "Perspectivas Indígenas" foi o tema proposto e os trabalhos concorrentes estão em exposição no AMA, em Washington DC, até 1 de Novembro.

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Indigenous Peoples of the Americas Photo Contest Exhibit

Presented by the OAS Department of international Law and AMA

Opening reception October 9, 2013 at 6pm

On view October 9 | November 1, 2013
Organization of American States
1889 F Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
Monday - Friday | 9am -5pm

The OAS Department of International Law and AMA | Art Museum of the Americas present an exhibition of winning entries of a photo competition on topics relevant to indigenous peoples of the Americas. Participation was free and open to all levels of expertise with no age restriction.
The photographs represented a wide range of geographical, cultural, and work-themed elements of a variety of indigenous cultures of the Americas. The contest sought to focus on the eye of the photographer to indigenous worlds. The contest was juried by a selection committee composed of OAS staff members representing the Department of International Affairs, AMA | Art Museum of the Americas and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ - German Society for International Cooperation).
Artists from various countries around the Americas and Europe submitted 520 photographs of which 21 of the top entries will be exhibited. The winning entry Kayapó Body Painting was submitted by Mário Rainha Campos. Campos's photo was taken in Brazil and it captures children expressing themselves through art in the Kayapó community of the Brazilian Amazon. Campos will be present for the exhibition opening at the OAS headquarters building.
Selected photographs will also be published by the Department of International Law in volumes related to the "Action Plan for the Promotion of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of the Americas", in addition to publication on the website:

The Department of International Law (DIL) of the OAS promotes and strengthens the participation of indigenous peoples in various domestic and international processes of decision-making and develops activities to sensitize the society and train representatives of indigenous peoples in areas allow the development of their communities. DIL's work contributes to the elimination of all forms of racial and ethnic discrimination, and various forms of intolerance and supports the promotion and protection of human rights of indigenous peoples.

The OAS AMA | Art Museum of the Americas is founded on the principle that the arts transform individuals and communities. This, in turn, promotes the core values of the OAS, providing a space for cultural expression, creativity, dialogue and learning, highlighting themes of democracy, equitable development, human rights, justice, freedom of expression, and innovation. Through the arts and cultural exchange projects such as the Indigenous Perspective, AMA tries to convey a constructive vision of the future of the Americas.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
GIZ supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. They are also engaged in international education work around the globe.
GIZ facilitates change and empower people to take ownership of their own sustainable development processes. In doing this, GIZ is guided by the concept of sustainable development, and take account of political, economic, social and ecological factors. We support our partners at local, regional, national and international level in designing strategies and meeting their policy goals.
Selected Photos for Exhibition
Alquimia Femenina - Daniel Fernando Torres Rozo
Amerindian Girl - Brian Gomes
Asas e sonhos - Jorge Donizetti Pavani
Baile Emberá Dobidá - Juan Pablo Gutierrez Gonzalez
Belleza Ingenua - Ana Isabel Araúz
Cena Puneña - Luis Elias Alfageme
Cielo - Barbara Inés Lombardi
El país del agua - Guillermo Ossa
Entre el bloque 7 y 21 - Andrés Esteban Yépez Jaramillo
Indigenous Voices in the Modern World - Caroline Bennett
Indigenous Weaver from Chinchero - Neca Dantas
Intruder - Esteban Vincenti Zúñiga
Lugares altos, cultura de altura - Wendy Noelia Villazón Rojas
Making Cassava Bread - Sharon Shameza Ramkarran
Mama y su hija; mirada Purépecha sin límites - Denis Jockmans
Miradas Indígenas Panameñas - Ana Isabel Araúz
Músicos de la Tierra - Arturo Martin Gonzales Pineda
Pataxós, BA - Ana Lucia Machado Simões
Picardía - Fritz Alejandro Sanchez Ojeda
Rostros de Salasaka - Francisco Xavier Jarrín Salazar

Photo Credit
Kayapó Body Painting by Mário Sérgio Rainha Silva Campos


The OAS is in the process of negotiating a Draft American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. To that end, a Working Group was created under the OAS Permanent Council's Committee on Juridical and Political Affairs to whom the Department of International Law provides with legal advice.
Member state representatives and indigenous peoples' representatives take part in the discussions and negotiating sessions. Up through October 2011, there have been a total of 13 meetings of negotiations in the quest for points of consensus with the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples.
A summary of the outcomes of the meetings held can be viewed at the following link: [Click Here]
Finally, it is important to state that the Department of International Law serves as administrator of the specific fund of voluntary contributions, which provides financial support for indigenous representatives to participate in the meetings of the negotiation process. More than 1,000 indigenous leaders from different organizations in 28 Member states have participated in the negotiation process. More than 300 representatives have benefited from this Fund. Indigenous peoples and their representatives participate in the OAS, even though they do not enjoy the status of "civil society organization."
For further information on the status of the negotiations, visit:  [Click Here]
The initiatives taken by the Department of International Law are funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Government of Spain through the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). These activities take into account gender perspectives, cultural diversity, and equitable geographic distribution.

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Promoviendo los derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas de las Américas

“La eliminación de toda forma de discriminación, especialmente la discriminación de género, étnica y racial, y de las diversas formas de intolerancia, así como la promoción y protección de los derechos humanos de los pueblos indígenas y los migrantes y el respeto a la diversidad étnica, cultural y religiosa en las Américas, contribuyen al fortalecimiento de la democracia y la participación ciudadana.” Art. 9 de la Carta Democrática Interamericana.
En la coordinación de los asuntos relacionados con los pueblos indígenas dentro de la Secretaría General de la OEA, el Departamento de Derecho Internacional (DDI) adoptó en el año 2009 un Programa de Acción sobre los Pueblos Indígenas en las Américas con el objetivo de “promover y fortalecer la participación de los pueblos indígenas en los distintos procesos internos e internacionales de toma de decisiones, sensibilizar a la sociedad en general sobre esta temática, capacitar a los representantes de los pueblos indígenas en diversas áreas que permitan el desarrollo integral de sus comunidades y transversalizar la temática indígena en los diversos proyectos y actividades de la Organización”.

Asimismo, el Departamento participa en la elaboración del Proyecto de Declaración Americana sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas

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